Please Help Us Find
Please-please-please. Thanks to the diligent work of Cathy Eder Miller and Harvey Zuckman, there are only a handful of classmates we cannot find.

We need your help in locating or updating contact information for the following classmates. 


Please provide email and home addresses, home and/or cell phone numbers, if you know how to reach any of these classmates.

Please note:  The co
mpiled list is committee confidential, not shared with or sold to anyone!  Information is for class event contact information only!

Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated and should be emailed to:

Harvey Zuckman


Please indicate “1969 Class Update” in the subject line.


Carmen Block
James Browne
Greg Christensen
Michael Ireland
Bruce D. Johnson
Paul Johnson
Terry Kaufman
Gary Knecht
Shirley Lambert
Gary Larson
Mary Lindquist
Marda Ludwig
Richard Magnani
Jeanne McDermott
Diane Naefke
Linda Parker
Barbara Peters
Lynn Pierce
Kenneth Pinsky
Juanita Rodman
Mary Seifert
Sandra Ullberg
Kathie Wagner
Donna Ward
Michael Wirpel